The Marvelous Citator in Law
As a law enthusiast, one cannot help but admire the incredible tool known as the citator. This invaluable resource provides a wealth of information for legal research, aiding in the identification of relevant cases, statutes, and regulations. The ability to track the subsequent history and treatment of legal authorities is truly awe-inspiring.
What Citator?
A citator is a research tool used in the legal field to determine the subsequent history and treatment of a legal case, statute, regulation, or other legal authority. It allows researchers to identify how a particular authority has been cited in subsequent cases and if it is still considered good law. Achieved use symbols abbreviation systems indicate treatment cited authority.
Understanding Citator Symbols
fascinating aspects citators use symbols denote treatment cited authorities. Let`s take look common symbols meaning:
Symbol | Meaning |
⚖️ | Cited case has received negative treatment |
???? | Cited case has received positive treatment |
⚠️ | Cited case has been criticized |
???? | Cited authority has been overruled |
These symbols provide a quick and efficient way to determine the status of a cited authority and are a testament to the ingenuity of the citator system.
Case Study: The Impact of Citators
Let`s consider a case study to truly appreciate the impact of citators on legal research. In a study conducted by the American Association of Law Libraries, it was found that 85% of legal researchers use citators to verify the validity of cited authorities. This clearly demonstrates the widespread reliance on citators in the legal community.
The citator is an indispensable tool for legal researchers, providing a comprehensive overview of the subsequent history and treatment of legal authorities. Its use of symbols and abbreviation systems is a remarkable feat of organization and efficiency. Law enthusiast, constantly awe power impact citator field law.
Legal Contract: Understanding the Citator in Law
In the legal field, a citator plays a crucial role in understanding the authority and relevancy of case law. Contract aims define clarify concept citator law.
Parties: | The undersigned legal professionals |
Effective Date: | Upon signing of this contract |
Definition Citator: | A citator in law refers to a comprehensive research tool used to verify the authority and subsequent judicial treatment of a particular case. It provides a complete history of a case, including subsequent decisions, and is essential for legal research and citation. |
Usage Citator: | The parties agree to utilize citators in their legal research to ensure the accuracy and relevancy of cited case law. This includes cross-referencing cases, identifying subsequent decisions, and analyzing the treatment of a case by other courts. |
Responsibilities: | Each party agrees to independently verify and validate the information obtained from a citator before relying on it in their legal work. It responsibility party ensure accuracy currency cited case law. |
Termination: | This contract shall remain in effect indefinitely, unless terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or due to a material breach of its terms. |
Unraveling the Mysteries of Citators in Law
Question | Answer |
1. What exactly is a citator in law? | A citator, my dear legal aficionados, is a research tool used to locate existing and subsequent judicial decisions, statutes, and other legal authorities that have cited to a particular case or statute. It`s like a treasure map of legal precedent and authority, guiding you through the labyrinth of legal knowledge. It`s like legal GPS fingertips! |
2. How citator work? | Think of a citator as a web of interconnected legal authorities, where you can trace the history and influence of a particular case or statute. It provides list cases authorities cited chosen case statute, also categorizes treatment, showing whether affirmed, overruled, distinguished, criticized. It`s like peeking legal universe seeing different stars interact! |
3. Why is using a citator important in legal research? | Oh, my legal comrades, using a citator is crucial in legal research because it ensures that you`re not relying on outdated or overturned authorities. It helps you stay on top of the ever-changing legal landscape and makes sure that your arguments are backed by the most current and relevant law. It`s like having a crystal ball to foresee potential pitfalls and triumphs in your legal journey! |
4. Can a citator help me find related cases and statutes? | Absolutely! Citator provides list cases statutes cited chosen authority, also helps discover related authorities may relevant research. It`s like having a legal librarian whispering the most closely related materials in your ear! |
5. What are the different symbols and abbreviations used in a citator? | Ah, the symbols and abbreviations in a citator are like the secret codes of the legal world! They indicate the treatment given to a particular authority, such as “affirmed,” “overruled,” “distinguished,” or “criticized.” Understanding these symbols and abbreviations is crucial for determining the persuasive value of a case or statute. It`s like deciphering an ancient manuscript to unlock its hidden wisdom! |
6. Can a citator help me assess the validity and authority of a case? | Yes, indeed! Citator shows case statute cited authorities, also allows assess precedential value authority. It`s like having a legal historian by your side, revealing the impact and significance of a particular legal authority in the grand tapestry of law! |
7. Is there a popular citator tool used by legal professionals? | One of the most popular citator tools is Shepard`s Citations, which provides comprehensive citator services for cases and statutes. It`s like the trusted compass that guides legal professionals through the vast legal seas, ensuring that they stay on course and avoid dangerous legal reefs! |
8. Can a citator be used to track the development of a legal concept over time? | Absolutely! A citator allows you to trace the evolution and development of a legal concept by showing you how it has been interpreted and applied in subsequent cases and statutes. It`s like witnessing the growth and transformation of a legal idea from its humble beginnings to its current form! |
9. Are any pitfalls watch using citator? | While a citator is a powerful tool, it`s important to exercise caution and critical thinking when using it. Sometimes, cases and statutes may be cited in a way that misrepresents their true impact or authority. It`s like navigating a legal maze, where you need to carefully tread and verify the paths you choose! |
10. How make using citator legal research? | To harness the full power of a citator, my legal comrades, it`s essential to approach it with curiosity and thoroughness. Dive deep into the web of citations, explore related authorities, and critically assess the treatment given to your chosen case or statute. It`s like embarking on a legal adventure, where every citation is a clue waiting to be discovered and understood! |