It’s always a privilege to speak to personalities in a different industry, one where I’m not as familiar with like athletics. It always means a little more when you can connect and speak with someone who’s not in it for the fame, but about honing their craft for their loyal fans.
Dave Mac is one of those artists who keeps grinding and working day in and day out. It’s not for likes or media hits, but for an industry passion that he’s been involved with since a very young age.
The GM’s Perspective: What’s your background and how does someone from Port Perry get into the hip hop game?
Dave Mac: Born and raised in Port Perry since the age of nine. I got into it because my father was a musician in the 70’s in a band called Yesteryear. I remember banging around the drums at a young age trying to create stuff. My dad motivated me and inspired me.
GMs: Who else inspired you when you were growing up; music or otherwise?
DM: One guy really…Mase. And of course the entire Bad Boy crew from the 90’s.
GMs: You here about all these artists that are bigger than the industry, but there is so much independent stuff out there that doesn’t get the credit it deserves…
DM: It’s sad. An artist that’s not as recognized as myself or other artists could be more recognized on a bigger stage. The Internet is there, but not everyone is going to get directed to your link. Sometimes it’s hard when you don’t have a label. There’s good artists out there, but it’s unfortunate they don’t get discovered. But at the same time, maybe they’re not looking for the spotlight.

GM’s: Do people really understand what it takes to produce a track or an album?
DM: There’s a lot to it. Take engineering for example. They mix, master, and engineer all the songs and edit the vocals. As the artist, you’re in the studio and you could be sending your vocals to another state, city, or half-way across the world to get it mixed and mastered.
GMs: I’ve read some things, but who has been the artist you had the most fun collaborating with?
DM: I cut a song with Madchild from Swollen Members. As a kid growing up listening to them and before my music really took off, it was great to work on a feature with him. He has a lot of history with the band and with Canada, so that made it even more special.
GMs: Is it even more special knowing the success you’re having as a Canadian and someone who grew up in a small town?
DM: It’s not necessarily where I came from, but just as long as I can get heard. The goal was to go to work, come home, and make good music. In 2016 I had a song blow up in the UK and Germany, which was great, but it’s all about making good songs and having fun. But you’re right, it’s amazing to be recognized and have all your hard work acknowledged.
GMs: What words of advice do you have for upcoming performers or those who are trying to follow in your footsteps?
DM: For the people looking for direction. It all starts with the music. If the music is good you will gain fans and following and the music will take you where you need to be. If none of that is there YET… get back in the studio and work on that. It’s not ready yet.