It is with great pleasure that we, ignite CHANGE in conjunction with The GM’s Perspective, launches a $1,000 scholarship to help students who have a passion for making a difference.

Ignite CHANGE, a non-profit community organization that focuses on sports leadership, together with The GM’s Perspective, announces the launching of its $1,000 scholarship for one deserving student who is passionate about making a difference.
“I believe a student’s personal passion and motivation is the driving force behind everything,” Teeple explained. “Our objective is to allow students to take full advantage of what’s in front of them.”
Teeple said that this annual scholarship aims to help students who have a passion for making a difference.
“If you are passionate about making a difference, we want to be able to assist you in viewing paystubs making that happen.”
Students who can apply for the scholarship must be an undergraduate from any Canadian or U.S. 4-year institution and must have a 2.75 GPA or better.
Along with their resume and a 500-word essay, applicants are also required to submit their Transcript of Records from their current or most recently attended high school, college, or university. They should email all these requirements to or
A select committee will review all completed applications, and Ignite CHANGE would announce who got the scholarship on their website.
About Devon Teeple
Devon Teeple is an award-winning entrepreneur and baseball mentor. He educates, advises and provides building blocks for amateur, collegiate, and professional athletes (pre/post-retirement) who struggle with mental health issues to grow and turn the experience into something positive.
About The GM’s Perspective
Since Devon Teeple’s days of competing at the collegiate and professional level are behind him, he now has the opportunity to teach the game through coaching, clinics, and writing. Through The GM’s Perspective, he wants to enlighten his readers with his articles, give back to the community with his lifetime knowledge of the baseball game, and continue to grow his audience through the gift and enhancements of this new and unlimited age of multi-media.
About Ignite CHANGE
Ignite CHANGE is a passion project founded by Devon Teeple to maximize people’s full potential with a philanthropic feel. Sports has been the constant with teamwork and the belonging piece always being a calming voice. For Devon, giving back to the community via the game that has provided him many opportunities is a blessing.
Ignite CHANGE does research on sports leadership and its positive impact on people, specifically athletes dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and depression.