Me and my little ones had a great weekend!
We went to the baseball field near our house. The kids rode their scooters over and when we got there, we were the only people.
It’s weird, it was a perfect day and the old ball yard was looking pretty rough. While Lennox was doing her thing on her scooter, I had my Varsity Blues moment and became a coach.
I was teaching Hudson some base running drills and fielding drills. And funny enough, a couple local kids came to the park to hit around and let Hudson run after the ball and throw it back. He had a tonne of fun and that’s what it’s about.
You know I love stats and baseball is the clear cut winner in terms of stat usage and a number for anything. But that grassroots feel is something we forget about. Running around the bases with no bases, headed home with no home plate!…That’s why it’s fun, because you can always imagine.
Of course, baseball is a constant reminder of great moments. That got me thinking of Aaron “Bleepin” Boone and his walk off against the knuckler, Tim Wakefield.
That also got me thinking about his career and now as a manager. He’s put the work in and the players play for him. Not many people can do what he’s doing in an environment like that.
A fun time at the ole ball yard and a great postseason home run you will never forget!