I wish them all the best, but as we all know, only the cream rises to the top. With the likes of the Atlantic League, American Association, and now the merged Can-Am League and Frontier League, the newly formed Moses Lake Professional Baseball League is going to have to do something special to stand out and stick around.
The MLPBL, brought to you by Jim Hayes and Keith Marshall, are planning on a 40-game schedule slated to begin June 13, 2020 and runs until August 9, 2020. Hayes and Marshall have crossed paths before.

Hayes was the manager of the Ellensburg Bulls of the now defunct Mount Rainier Professional Baseball League, while Marshall was General Manager for Ellensburg and the Moses Lake Rattlesnakes of MRPBL.
The odds are definitely not in their favour, but the later start date will allow those unsigned players across multiple platforms one last shot for a professional opportunity.
“Since the MLPBL is one of the last leagues to run a tryout, it will give all players that were not selected from other tryouts during the summer one final shot at playing this summer.”